Well, everyone, we did it. Last night we signed our loan docs which is basically an hour of "sign this" "sign this" "sign this" and POOF! As my dad likes to say, we are now a quarter of a million dollars in debt.
Regardless of how you look at it, we are super excited and this week is torture for me. All I want to do is to be at the condo to finish packing and then go put it all in the new house! I have Friday off work which makes it nice, but I wish I had tomorrow off too. Oh well.....Caleb has tomorrow off and is going to go shampoo the carpets so they have a day to dry before we move everything.
Thanks in advance to everyone who is going to be helping us over the weekend and to everyone who has helped us so far. We consider ourselves so blessed to have such great friends and family surrounding us during this time.
2 days.....!!!