I almost hate to admit it......but....I am starting to enjoy this warm weather!!! (except of course for this weird 'storm' this week)
So life has been a blur lately. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, then BAM! It's April, spring time, and we are already counting the days until our next vacation.....or is that just me? As if over a week off at Christmas time isn't enough.
Caleb & I had another great visit with his family in the Sacramento/Roseville area over Christmas. The best part of it was surprising his mom and showing up at her house on Christmas morning when she wasn't expecting us until late that night. The look on her face was well worth getting 2 hours of sleep, waking up at 3am and driving 5 hours. :-) I just wish I had snuck a camera to Jim (Caleb's step dad who was in on the surprise) so he could have snuck a pic of the moment. You'll just have to imagine...
Also....for a while around the end of 2009 there was possibility of Caleb attending an accelerated nursing program in Lompoc. Long story short, he applied and didn't make it in this year. There's always next year! We were able to see more than ever how God's plan is so much bigger than ours. We were feeling impatient, and wanting to push to make it work, even though it was a huge stretch. It just HAD to be right.........right? Thankfully for us, God sees way more than we do. 2 weeks before he would have started the program, we were doing our taxes and got hit with a huge blow. Caleb's employer was not taking out the correct amount of Federal Taxes all of last year. No, we didn't notice. Yes, now we know what to look for. Basically, we owe a lot of money in taxes when we thought we were getting a lot of money back. IF we had gotten our way and Caleb got accepted into the program this year, he would have had to back out of it. NO way financially could we have him hardly working to attend the program, and then pay for the program, and pay our taxes on top. So, in the end we see how cool it is NOT to be in control. (as much as I like to be in control.....) He's working hard and plans on applying next year - we'll see!
March 13 was our 1 year move-in anniversary of buying our house! I can't beleive how much has happened in a year! However, it meant it was time to plant my garden again this year! Something new this year was that I pulled out all of the crazy blackberry bushes ( I didn't get much from them last year, the birds ate them all!) and planted a super pretty flower garden. Right now it's a bit new, only been a few days, but as it all grows and blends together, it will be even more beautiful.
Here are some pictures of the things that make me happy =)
First Rose of the Year
Peek-a-Boo! Yummy Lemons
Beautiful beginnings
So cute!
Tride n' True Geraniums...