Monday, November 30, 2009

It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas!

So everyone knows what the day after Thanksgiving is for! No.....not shopping. At least not for me, I'm not that crazy.
It's for decorating for Christmas! We were so excited to decorate for our first Christmas in our home. I remember when we were first buying it how excited Caleb was, he was already thinking about how we could put up lights and where the Christmas tree would go.
Dad & Grandpa came over to help out, but first they put lights on dad's house. They did a great job! Our tree is up and decorated too but I forgot to take a picture of it finished! I'll put it up soon.
And can I just say, I'm so happy it's finally COLD outside! It's about time!

Here's dad helping....

Grandpa too!
And here's Caleb =) Working hard!

Here it is! See our tree through the window? Love it! Next year we will try to figure out how to run the electrical so that we can wrap our palm trees and fence in lights!

And here's a glimpse of the inside. We have more stuff but I didn't get pics of it yet either. I was slacking off. More will come soon! :)


Kara said...

Oh it looks lovely all lit up at night!!! Nice work :)

Jenna Jill said...

That's perfect how you can see the tree in the window. And I love those floors.