Monday, August 10, 2009

Wish List

I want one!!!


Kara said...

Oooh I adore my food processor! I got it at an after Christmas sale...check out the deals this year! I got the Cuisinart one. It packs the punch!
We are moving into a condo Sept. 1st! We'll be's just not the right time for us to buy. The market doesn't seem to be going anywhere too quickly though :)

Becky and Caleb said...

Kara - Yes I'll definately look out for deals! I never wanted one before now because I'm not much of a baker, however I've started to venture into that I am feeling brave! I also want to make pestos, hummus, etc....and a Food Pro is much easier for that!

Where is the condo you are moving to? That's exciting! Did you ever get my card I sent you?