Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ingredients.....Give me Input!

So I was of the most common comments I get from friends and family members regarding my cooking is something about how they would have never thought to try a certain ingredient  (or try to make a recipe because of an ingredient in it) .... or that they are too afraid to try it or they would never know what to even do with it. (Whatever "it" happens to be)

I'm not entirely sure where all of my gusto for cooking comes from, or my willingness to experiment. I know that I owe a lot of it to my mom. Growing up, we did not go out to eat hardly at all. So she cooked a lot! As I was older I noticed more and more how she entertained and loved to have people over and I started to observe how much food is a part of people's lives. Admit it. Even if you aren't a "cook", you love to eat! And if you don't love to eat, or don't want to admit it, then I think you have a whole separate problem. Perhaps my problem is I love to cook AND love to eat. Sigh....okay I digress.

Another aspect that makes up my love for cooking and my willingness to experiment is the shows I watch on Food Network. Yes, I mean those 30 minute, sometimes (okay most of the time) cheesy shows that are just about people cooking. Most people can't stand shows like that. I happen to love them! I recently realized the correlation between my cooking risks and my TV watching. You see, a lot of the fear behind not trying to use an ingredient or use a certain cooking / preparation technique comes from the unknown of it all. But once you see people on TV doing it over and over again, you realize it's not too hard. Some things are a bit tough still, but at least I've seen someone doing it rather than just reading it on a page and thinking "that sounds too hard". So, I've learned a lot from Food Network. (hmmm do I have to pay them for that? Perhaps they should pay me for that shameless plug....)

So now I've come to the main reason I started this post in the first place. I want to hear from YOU! Yes.....the small handfull of you who actually read my blog. Or maybe there are more of you who are silent readers. Well.....please don't be silent anymore :) I want you to leave me a comment and tell me the ingredient that you are most afraid or cautious of using. Whether it is because it seems scary, or you just don't know what the heck to do with it, or maybe it's a cooking technique that you aren't sure about. Tell me! What I'm thinking is I can pick some of the ingredients you all mention and either give you ideas of ways I've used them before....OR if I've never tried them, then maybe I will and then I'll post my experience for you to see.....then it won't be so bad for you to try after all. :)

I can't wait to "hear" what you all have to say!


Lisa said...

HI Becky -
I used to think Plantains were scary - but then you used them and I tried them at your house so they aren't so scary anymore...

Let's see....not sure if I can think of anything else at the moment....but you've got me thinking!

Mama H said...

This is a really good question! Honestly, I don't think I'm afraid of any ingredient, but I often come across recipes that I would LOVE to try, only they use some obscure ingredient that I don't want to buy just for ONE recipe. I'm fortunate though, my hubby will try anything, especially if its healthy!

Becky and Caleb said...

Mom - thanks for the reminder on Plantains! You're right, I used to think they were a bit intimidating myself ntil I tried that one recipe ad realized how easy they are to cook and how yummy they are! That's a great reminder I'll have to make that again soon and do a post on it for people to see.

Tilly (Oh that's all I know you as though I know you go by Jesslyn now, but I can't even spell your first name correctly...!) - my hubby will eat just about anything too but just like yours, as long as it's healthy! He's a bit health nut. IN fact, shhhh but just about every recipe I post is "healthy" and comes from some sort of "diet" book. Well, for the most part. :)

Becky and Caleb said...

But you know sometimes it is worth it every now and again to buy that obscure ingredient for that one recipe so you can say you tried it and conquered it, and who knows maybe you'll love it! :) Probably not an every week thing though. :)

Thanks for commenting!

Brianna said...

Hmmm...had to think hard about that one, but I think for me it is definitely seaweed. I know that it is in a lot of chinese recipes that I used to eat at restaurants (and now cannot because of my nut allergy), but I have never been brave enough to try it at home.