Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fun Spring Stuff

Here are even more pics that I haven't uploaded yet :)

This is "Oh" (yes that is her name). She is from Thailand and came to visit - she is the sweetest girl!

Nani!!! (Leinani is her full name) This is Celia's baby girl, she is adorable. She was posing for me! We were trying to get her to roll over and she literally stayed like that until I got a picture.

Caleb & I went to Avila one Sunday afternoon when it was so warm out!

Caleb, fixing our sprinkler. I'm so proud of him :)

It works now :) I'm sure he's thrilled I take pics of all this.

A bloom on my lilac tree! The previous owners said it never bloomed in 10 years. I'm so glad it did for me :)

My good hubby mowing the lawn :)

1 comment:

Jenna Jill said...

Dude Becky. Caleb is freakin yoked. How does he do that? He looks so huge. What are you feeding that man? Lol. Way to go on the sprinkler Caleb.Oh and isn't that so God, how the tree bloomed for you? God was joining with you in your joy over your new home. That is so cool! I almost drove by today around 6, (I was around the corner) but I'm so not the "show up unannounced kind of person." Anyways, miss you guys.