Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Verdict...

So....over all the "Hunter Chicken" was a win-win. Some comments/adjustments though: 1) a bit too saucy. my addition of the can of chicken broth was too much, so I'd suggest either cut that in 1/2 or leave it out. 2) it was still lacking in a little bit of flavor though I'm not sure why. Caleb added some additional pizza tomato sauce to his which he said was great, I left mine as-is just added the fresh thyme and some additional salt/pepper.

Some plus sides: chicken is very moist! Also, this is a recipe you can play with and exchange veggies out for ones that you particularly enjoy, etc. If you find something that works well, let me know!

Tomorrow is "breakfast for dinner" at our house. AKA, out of groceries 'till the weekend so eat whatever we have left around the house. :-) I think I will skip the dinner blog about my pancakes and eggs.....


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