Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mercy Me/David Crowder

Last night my parents treated Caleb & I to a concert at the Santa Barbara Bowl........Mercy Me & David Crowder! Caleb & I had never been to the bowl before and it was so beautiful! Check out the photos.....we had FRONT ROW seats. :-) Thanks mom & dad!!!
We tried so hard to get a picture with my dad looking normal...... :-) Sorry dad I posted them all!
Smile Dad!!!!
Now this was a view from the top of the theater, but yes, like I said, we sat in front row! :-)

Me & Mom :-)

David Crowder & Band

Yes that is a Guitar Hero guitar.....yes he played it for a song!

AND NOW FOR MERCY ME :-) Their light show was really awesome and they had words and video playing behind them :)

This was us after. "OH MY GOSH! That was Awesome!"
Afterwards my parents took us to a great Mexican restaurant on State Street, after 10 at night, warm night (rare for around here!) and sitting on the patio. Drinking Mojitos and having Halibut Siviche and Shrimp Empaladas (I Think that's what they are called) and Nachos....YUM!!!
Again thanks mom & dad for a great night!!!


Kara said...

How fun!! I've never been to the SB Bowl either...but we're going to see Jack Johnson next month! Can't wait :)

Becky and Caleb said...

Jack Johnson? What day??
That would be a great concert!!